As the largest local news app in the US with over 50 million monthly users, NewsBreak prides itself on providing content from top publishers, independent journalists, subject matter experts, and local voices nationwide. NewsBreak was challenged to increase awareness of its brand and advertising opportunities among media buyers, as well as enhance its overall ad experience.
With viewers retaining 95% of information from video compared to 10% with text-only content, NewsBreak recognised the power of video advertising in engaging audiences, and sought a more transparent, efficient, and engaging way to integrate this dynamic ad format into its mobile app.
NewsBreak partnered with Index Exchange to expand their video advertising and chose Prebid Mobile as an independent, unbiased unified auction platform to optimise yield. Prebid Mobile allowed the organisation to reduce its reliance on walled gardens and truly optimise revenue by bringing the same efficiencies that header bidding introduced to the web into its mobile app environment.
NewsBreak was then able to offer greatly expanded video advertising, resulting in a significant boost to brand awareness and an improved marketer experience. The team worked with Index to incorporate several products to scale and maximise their mobile video advertising opportunity.
First, within a matter of weeks of working with Index, NewsBreak seamlessly incorporated outstream video without requiring its own player, saving time and effort while introducing more transparency and efficiency to its mobile video advertising offering.
NewsBreak also leveraged Index’s new beta outstream product, Flex Video, to effortlessly tap into video and native demand with its existing banner supply. This integration ensured consistent creative quality, a factor that media owners and buyers have come to trust with Index.
With Flex Video, Index optimises towards value, regardless of format. By allowing video demand to serve into banner supply where applicable, media owners can access new video demand and provide attractive video inventory to media buyers.
“NewsBreak is committed to bringing both consumers and advertisers the absolute best local information platform possible. For both audiences, this includes providing new and innovative experiences, while being transparent, efficient, and trustworthy. Through our partnership with Index, we integrated new video experiences seamlessly into our platform, enabling NewsBreak to tap into incremental video and native demand, while ensuring consistency and quality for our customers.”
Scott Kelliher, head of revenue
NewsBreak transformed its revenue generation by implementing a new programmatic advertising solution with Prebid and Index Exchange.
The local information organisation successfully harnessed the potential of mobile video advertising, elevating brand awareness, increasing demand opportunities, boosting overall revenue, and providing a stronger experience to its customers.
Additional results across ad solutions powered by Index include:
- 34% CPM increase compared to banner ads over a two-month period
- 2,000 incremental demand sources added
Video advertising quickly grew to account for 60% of Newsbeak’s ad offerings with Index, surpassing the previous 40% share held by banner ads. This shift has driven higher engagement and efficiency without requiring any additional effort from NewsBreak’s team.
Interested in learning how you can leverage the potential of video advertising to enhance your revenue and engagement?
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